Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I love these boys...

...and I love how excited they are about their new brother! I was so nervous the night we told them about our plans for adoption. I knew Cole would be all in (he's my "go-with-the-flow" / "the more the merrier" kid!). I didn't know what Riley would think, though. I love him dearly, but he's kind of set-in-his-ways for a kid, and he's not so keen on change. I was relieved and thankful when they both responded with nothing but excitement. I know there will be a lot of adjusting once their brother gets here, but I'm so thankful that they seem to "get it" as much as a 6 & 8 year old can. They're good kids, and I'm happy to be their mama! We had fun taking pictures for our Christmas card this year! I was torn between this one and the one we ended up choosing. I liked the starkness of the one on the card. It's impossible to miss that there's an empty chair in between them. But I also liked this one because they're touching the chair - as if to say we love you and welcome you into our hearts and our home.

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